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Online PD - Yes or No?

This year my district has decided to take a new approach to Professional Development. We are completing it all online, at our own pace, wherever and whenever it is convienient for us. We have been afforded the opportunity to use our prep period to complete our PD, or complete it at home when we have some extra time with not much to do.

This new process has caused some conversations in my district. Some staff members are elated that they can use their time in the building to complete grading or collaborate with other teachers to develop new, wonderful projects. They decided to complete the PD at home or even stay after school and complete it then. Some staff members have more trouble scheduling time to complete the PD on their own and appreciate being told when to report to complete it. They are not as happy about the fact that it is now on us to complete each module. Each month we are given a list of the PD modules that are due. We have time to schedule it in and make it work within our timeline.

As with all changes, there will always be resistance in the begining. Once the majority of the district is used to the idea things will run smoothly for everyone.

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